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Agaricus Bisporus: Edible Mushrooms with Incredible Benefits

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Agaricus bisporus is one of the best-known edible mushrooms in the world. Although you might not recognize its Latin name,  you have probably heard of button mushrooms, white mushrooms, crimini, and portabella mushrooms. All of these are different varieties of Agaricus bisporus.

These mushrooms are incredibly versatile, have a distinctive flavor profile, and are rich in vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients, making them highly beneficial for human health. Here’s what you need to know.

Agaricus Bisporus Mushrooms

Agaricus bisporus is the most widely consumed mushroom species in the US. A massive 90% of all mushrooms cultivated in the country are Agaricus bisporus, and the industry is worth approximately $800 million annually. The average American eats over two pounds of Agaricus bisporus every year.


One of the reasons for these mushrooms’ popularity is their adaptability. They come in many shapes and sizes, including button mushrooms, white mushrooms, crimini, and portabella mushrooms. They work well in dishes from all around the world, from pizza and pasta dishes to soups, salads, and stir-fries. However, they are equally enjoyable simply grilled or sauteed with a little garlic and butter.

Agaricus Bisporus Taxonomic History

Taxonomy is the science of classification and deals with grouping similar organisms together by genus and distinguishing them by species. It is a complex and dynamic field, meaning that names can change frequently, and Agaricus bisporus is no exception. The mushroom has undergone several name changes throughout the years, as we will discuss below.

The genus name Agaricus was used for all gilled mushrooms until scientists discovered significant differences between them. At this time, the genus we now know as Agaricus was renamed Psalliota.

The word “Agaricus” disappeared temporarily but reemerged in 1879 thanks to a Finnish mycologist called Petter Adolf Karsten. The terms Agaricus and Psalliota were then used interchangeably until the 1950s when scientists decided to revert to the original name.

In 1926, another mycologist, Jacob Lange, defined the characteristics of the mushroom we now know as Agaricus bisporus. However, at that time, it was known as Psalliota hortensis var. Bispora.

Twenty years later, Emil J. Imbach raised the mushroom’s rank and gave it its current name. Therefore, the full scientific name for this fungus is Agaricus bisporus (Lange) Imbach.

The species name bisporus comes from the fact that these mushrooms’ reproductive organs (known as basidia) produce two spores, each containing a full set of genetic material. Conversely, most mushrooms produce four spores per basidia, each containing half a set of genetic material. This unique feature means that Agaricus bisporus can reproduce more easily than other species, making them more suitable for cultivation.

Agaricus Bisporus Identification

Agaricus bisporus mushrooms have a few lookalikes, and it can be challenging to identify them correctly. They can also vary in appearance, coming in several shades of white and brown and a range of sizes.

The mushrooms’ most distinctive features are their dark gills and the annulus (ring) on their stems. They produce a chocolate brown spore print, which is a crucial way to distinguish them from poisonous Amanita species.

It is easy to confuse these mushrooms with other Agaricus species, including A. campestris (field mushrooms) and A. arvensis (horse mushrooms). Fortunately, all three varieties are edible, although they do have some poisonous look-alikes, such as A. xanthodermus (the yellow stainer). Therefore, only experienced foragers should harvest Agaricus mushrooms in the wild. Moreover, Agaricus bisporus mushrooms are affordable and widely available, meaning picking these mushrooms is rarely worth the risk.

Agaricus Bisporus Benefits

Like most edible mushrooms, Agaricus bisporus has a range of potential health benefits.

These mushrooms contain numerous bioactive compounds, including amino acids, fatty acids, beta-glucan polysaccharides, and antioxidants. They also contain chemicals called chitin and lovastatin, which have cholesterol-lowering effects.


Finally, they are good sources of indole compounds, including L-tryptophan, serotonin, and melatonin, meaning they could potentially influence cognitive and neurological function.

The current evidence suggests that the most notable Agaricus bisporus health benefits include managing metabolic syndrome and improving digestive health. The mushrooms also show promise for reducing inflammation and supporting immune function, although further study is needed in these areas.

A recent review adds that these mushrooms could benefit the skin due to their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. However, most of the current research involves laboratory or animal studies, and large-scale clinical trials are necessary to confirm how these mushrooms impact human health and disease.

Agaricus Bisporus Nutrition Facts

Agaricus bisporus mushrooms are extremely nutritious, being excellent sources of both essential and non-essential amino acids, dietary fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Meanwhile, they are low-calorie and low-fat, making them a fantastic addition to a healthy diet.

However, Agaricus bisporus’ nutrition can vary depending on the variety and how they were grown. Research suggests that brown Agaricus bisporus varieties have a higher nutritional content than their white counterparts. Moreover, it shows that many beneficial compounds are concentrated in the cap skin, meaning it is best not to peel the mushrooms before eating.

Another tip to boost Agaricus bisporus’ nutritional value is to expose sliced mushrooms to sunlight for a couple of hours before cooking them. This increases their vitamin D content, as they produce the vitamin in response to UV light, just like humans do!

Agaricus Bisporus Mushrooms: Final Thoughts

Agaricus bisporus mushrooms are one of the most popular edible fungi on the planet. They have the ideal combination of taste, texture, and nutrition and are suitable for a wide variety of dishes. They also contain numerous bioactive compounds that make them a fantastic addition to any healthy diet.

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Published on: February 12, 2024

Lynn Marie Morski

Reviewed by Lynn Marie Morski, MD, JD, who is a president of the Psychedelic Medicine Association and host of the Psychedelic Medicine Podcast. She sits on the advisory boards of Psychedelics Today, Cybin, VETS, Inc (Veterans Exploring Treatment Solutions), the Oxenberg Foundation, and the Ketamine Task Force. Dr. Morski is also a Mayo Clinic-trained physician in family medicine and sports medicine, as well as an attorney and former adjunct law professor.

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